Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

I get frustrated!

this night is the bored night. yaaaa, because I just doing nothing when I have to do my BIG TASK of MEKANIKA TEKNIK. I feel so frustrated. lebay? oh yeah..

I don't know why am I still here, I don't know why I never feel comfortable with this place. the one that make me comfortable here is just THEM. Yeah, them. my KKJ 2011. I don't care what thay said about us. I am so proud to be part of you.
back to the topic.
*english seasson's time is up*
gw ga tau knapa semester ini sangat amat teramat malas untuk menulis d kelas, malas untuk sekedar memahami dengan seksama apa yg dosen bilang. sekalipun itu salah satu TUGAS BESAR YOU KNOOOOWWWW, MEKANIKA FLUIDA. HAH! k kampus aja gw cuma bawa beberapa helai kertas file yg buat d binder itu loh, tanpa binder pastinya. sampe kosan itu catatan berserakan dan sekalipun gw nulis udah ga indah. yaa walaupun tulisan gw jelek, seenggaknya dulu gw masih rajin menulis dengan berbagai warna. tapi sekarang ada apa dengan sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??
haha -.-
super nyantai. merasa gaada beban sama sekali. watdehelllllll!
entahlah ya, harusnya gw bikin grafik MDN Mektek sekarang, karena besok dikumpul tp gw malah asik mengerjakan yang lain. bodohnya, knapa masih smpt posting disini?? haha ya Tuhan ampuni hamba :(
Mama Papa, maaaaaaaaaafffff.. ;(
there're so many mistakes that I have done, I know I still couldn't make you proud of me.
God, give me back my spirit :((

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